Praxis für Unfallchirurgie und Sporttraumatologie
Privatdozent MD. Franz Kralinger
Chief of Trauma and Sports Departement Wilhelminenspital der Stadt Wien

01.08. 1996- 31.11.2002 Trauma resident (Innsbruck Medical University Hospital)
08.06.1999 Emergency Diploma
05.03.2003 Instructor for musculosceletal Ultrasound
2003 Vize of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
11.02.2009 Subspeciality Sportstrauma
2009 Leading Senior Consultant
07.10.2010 Venia Dozenti for Traumatology (Privatdozent)
2010 Chief of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery/ Medical University Innsbruck
2015 Chief of Trauma Departement/ Wilhelminenspital/ Vienna
2017 Guest Professor of the Medical University of Vienna
2018 AO Trauma Austria President
GOTS (Gesellschaft für Orthopädisch- Traumatologische Sportmedizin)
AGA (Deutschsprachige Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Arthroskopie)
ÖGU (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie)
SECEC (European society for surgery of the shoulder and the elbow)
AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons)
DVSE (Deutsche Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie)
- Knierzinger D, Heinrichs CH, Hengg C, Konschake M, Kralinger F, Schmoelz W. Biomechanical evaluation of cable and suture cerclages for tuberosity reattachment in a 4-part proximal humeral fracture model treated with reverse shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 May 17, PMID: 29779978
- Lindtner RA, Kralinger FS, Kapferer S, Hengg C, Wambacher M, Euler SA. The female geriatric proximal humeral fracture: protagonist for straight antegrade nailing? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 Oct;137(10):1385-1390, PMID: 28756586
- Euler SA, Petri M, Venderley MB, Dornan GJ, Schmoelz W, Turnbull TL, Plecko M, Kralinger FS, Millett PJ. Biomechanical evaluation of straight antegrade nailing in proximal humeral fractures: the rationale of the "proximal anchoring point. Int Orthop. 2017 Sep;41(9):1715-1721, PMID: 28497166
- Euler SA, Hengg C, Boos M, Dornan GJ, Turnbull TL, Wambacher M, Kralinger FS, Millett PJ, Petri M. Computed tomography-based prediction of the straight antegrade humeral nail's entry point and exposure of "critical types": truth or fiction? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 May;26(5):902-908
- Kathrein S, Joeris A, Kralinger F, Blauth M, Goldhahn J. Significant Differences Between Local Reporting and Central Assessment of Radiographic Complications in a Prospective, Multicenter Study About Locking Plate Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures. J Orthop Trauma. 2016 Oct;30(10): e336-e339
- Euler SA, Kralinger FS, Hengg C, Wambacher M, Blauth M. Allograft augmentation in proximal humerus fractures. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2016 May 24.
- Brunner A, Eichinger M, Hengg C, Hoermann R, Brenner E, Kralinger F. A simple method for measurement of femoral anteversion Validation and assessment of reproducibility. J Orthop Trauma. 2016 Mar 30.
- Hengg C, Mayrhofer P, Euler S, Wambacher M, Blauth M, Kralinger F. The relevance of neutral arm positioning for true ap-view X-ray to provide true projection of the humeral head shaft angle. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Feb;136(2):213-21.
- Erhart S, Zegg M, Kralinger F, Kammerlander C, Roth T. Fast and easy preoperative estimation of cancellous bone mineral density in patients with proximal femur fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Dec;135(12):1683-9.
- Kathrein S, Joeris A, Kralinger F, Blauth M, Goldhahn J. Significant differences between local reporting and central assessment of radiological complications in a prospective, multicenter study about locking plate fixation of proximal humerus fractures. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Sep 22.
- Euler SA, Hengg C, Wambacher M, Spiegl UJ, Kralinger F. Allogenic bone grafting augmentation in two-part proximal humeral fracture fixation in a high-risk patient population. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Jan;135(1):79-87.
- Kralinger F, Blauth M, Goldhahn J, Käch K, Voigt C, Platz A, Hanson B. Influence of Local Bone Density on the Outcome of One Hundred and Fifty Proximal Humeral Fractures Treated with a Locking Plate. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Jun 18;96(12):1026-1032.
- Euler SA, Hengg C, Kolp D, Wambacher M, Kralinger F. Lack of fifth anchoring point and violation of the rotator cuff during antegrade humeral nailing: pitfalls in straight antegrade humeral nailing. Bone Joint J. 2014 Feb;96-B(2):249-53.
- Kralinger F. Winkelstabile Versorgung bei proximalen Humerusfrakturen: PHILOS. JATROS Unfallchirurgie & Sporttraumatologie 8/2013, 6-7.
- Kathrein S, Kralinger F, Blauth M, Schmoelz W. Biomechanical comparison of an angular stable plate with augmented and non-augmented screws in a newly developed shoulder test bench. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2013 Jan 18.
- Unger S, Erhart S, Kralinger F, Blauth M, Schmoelz W. The effect of in situ augmentation on implant anchorage in proximal humeral head fractures. 2012 Oct;43(10):1759-63
- Onder U, Blauth M, Kralinger F, Schmoelz W. Shoulder joint abduction motion
test bench: A new shoulder test bench for in vitro experiments with active muscle
force simulation. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2012 May 30;0(0):1-6.
- Jeske HC, Wambacher M, Dallapozza C, Hengg C, Schoepf R, Oberladstaetter J,
Kralinger F. Functional and clinical outcome of total shoulder arthroplasty with
oversized glenoid. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012 Jul;132(7):927-36.
- Krappinger D, Roth T, Gschwentner M, Suckert A, Blauth M, Hengg C, Kralinger
- F. Preoperative assessment of the cancellous bone mineral density of the proximal
humerus using CT data. Skeletal Radiol. 2012 Mar;41(3):299-304.
- Auffarth A, Kralinger F, Resch H. (2011): Anatomical glenoid reconstruction via a J-bone graft for recurrent posttraumatic anterior shoulder dislocation. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2011 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22083047
- Jeske HC, Kralinger F, Wambacher M, Perwanger F, Schoepf R, Oberladstaetter J, Krappinger D, Dallapozza C, Hoffmann F. (2011): A randomized study of the effectiveness of suprascapular nerve block in patient satisfaction and outcome after arthroscopic subacromial decompression. 2011 Oct;27(10):1323-8. Epub 2011 Aug 24.
- Krappinger D, Roth T, Gschwentner M, Suckert A, Blauth M, Hengg C, Kralinger F (2011): Preoperative assessment of the cancellous bone mineral density of the proximal humerus using CT data; Skeletal Radiol. 2011 Apr 21
- Krappinger D, Bizzotto N, Riedmann S, Kammerlander C, Hengg C, Kralinger F (2011): Predicting failure after surgical fixation of proximal humerus fractures; Injury 2011 Feb 8.
- Goldhahn S, Kralinger F, Rikli D, Goldhahn J (2010): Does osteoporosis increase the risk in surgical fracture treatment? A protocol combining new endpoints for two prospective multicentre open cohort studies; BMC Musculoskelet Disord.2010 Nov 9;11:256.
- Smekal V, Irenberger A, El Attal R, Oberladstätter J, Krappinger D, Kralinger F (2010): Elastic stable intramedullary nailing is best for midshaft fractures without comminution: results in 60 patients; Injury 2010 Jul;41(7):713-8.
- Kralinger F, Unger S, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Schmölz W (2009): The medial periostal hinge, a key structure in proximal humeral fractures: A biomechanical cadaver study of it’s mechanical properties; JBJS Br Jul;91(7):973-6.
- Jeske HC, Oberthaler M, Klingensmith M, Dallapozza C, Smekal V, Wambacher M, Kralinger F (2009): Normal glenoid rim anatomy and the reliability of shoulder instability measurements based on intrasite correlation; Surg Radiol Anat. Mar 28.
- Smekal V, Irenberger A, Struve P, Wambacher M, Krappinger D, Kralinger F (2009): Elastic stable intramedullary nailing versus nonoperative treatment of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures - a randomized, controlled, clinical trial; J Orthop Trauma 23(2):106-12.
- Hackl W, Wambacher M, Kralinger F, Smekal V (2007): Pectoralis major transfer in the treatment of chronic subscapularis insufficiency; Oper Orthop Traumatol. 19(5-6): 433-41.
- Kralinger F (2007): Latissimus dorsi Transfer: Der isolierte deltoideopectorale Zugang; JATROS Unfallchirurgie und Sporttraumatologie 3/2007, 28-29.
- Kralinger F, Gschwentner M, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Haid C (2008): Proximal humeral fractures: what is semi-rigid? Biomechanical properties of semi-rigid implants, a biomechanical cadaver based evaluation; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 128(2):205-10.
- Krappinger D, Kralinger F, El Attal R, Hackl W, Haid C (2007): Modified Prusik knot versus whipstitch technique for soft tissue fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a biomechanical analysis; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 15(4): 418-23.
- Kralinger F (2007): Frakturen des proximalen Humerus; Orthopädische Nachrichten 07/2007, 13.
- Kralinger F, Irenberger A, Lechner C, Wambacher M, Golser K, Sperner G (2006): Comparison of open versus percutaneous treatment for humeral head fracture; Unfallchirurg 109(5): 406-10.
- Wambacher M, Smekal V, Dalapozza C, Fritz D, Kralinger F (2006): Operative management of anterior glenohumeral Instability; European Journal of Trauma Vol 32, Number 4, 340- 349.
- Kralinger F, Aigner F, Longato S, Rieger M, Wambacher M (2006): Is the bare spot a consistent landmark for shoulder arthroscopy? A study of 20 embalmed glenoids with 3-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction; Arthroscopy 22(4): 428-32.
- Lutz M, Rudisch A, Kralinger F, Smekal V, Goebel G, Gabl M, Pechlaner S (2005): Sagittal wrist motion of carpal bones following intraarticular fractures of the distal radius; J Hand Surg Brit. 30(3): 282-7.
- Kralinger F, Schwaiger R, Wambacher M, Farrell E, Menth-Chiari W, Lajtai G, Hübner C, Resch H (2004): Outcome after primary hemiarthroplasty for fracture of the head of the humerus. A retrospective multicentre study of 167 patients; J Bone Joint Surg Brit. 86(2): 217-9.
- Zimmermann R, Gschwentner M, Kralinger F, Arora R, Gabl M, Pechlaner S (2004): Long-term results following pediatric distal forearm fractures; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 124(3): 179-86.
- Aigner F, Longato S, Fritsch H, Kralinger F (2004): Anatomical considerations regarding the "bare spot" of the glenoid cavity; Surg Radiol Anat. 26(4): 308-11.
- Lutz M, Kralinger F, Goldhahn J, Zimmermann R, Rudisch A, Gabl M, Pechlaner S (2004): Dorsal scapholunate ligament reconstruction using a periosteal flap of the iliac crest; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 124(3): 197-202.
- Greiner A, Golser K, Wambacher M, Kralinger F, Sperner G (2003): The course of the suprascapular nerve in the supraspinatus fossa and its vulnerability in muscle advancement; J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 12(3): 256-9.
- Wambacher M, Leidl S, Golser K, Kralinger F, Sperner G (2003): Operative management of displaced humeral head fractures; Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia Vol 24, 395-400.
- Kralinger F, Golser K, Wischatta R, Wambacher M, Sperner G (2002): Predicting recurrence after primary anterior shoulder dislocation; Am J Sports Med. 30(1): 116-20.
- Kralinger F, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Golser K, Sperner G (2002): Treatment of SLAP-lesions; Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia Vol 25, 122-124.
- Wambacher M, Kralinger F, Golser K, Rieger M, Hausberger K, Smekal V, Sperner G (2001): Operative management of anterior glenohumeral instability; Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia Vol 24, 111-118.
- Kralinger F, Smekal V, Wambacher M. (2002) Diagnostik des Schultergelenkes bei Ballsportlern; Sportorthopädie - Sporttraumatologie 18, 231- 239.
- Lutz M, Reinhart C, Kathrein A, Kralinger F, Angermann P, Gabl M, Pechlaner S (2001): Dorsal dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the finger.
Results after static and functional treatment; Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 33(3): 207-10.
- Sperner G, Wambacher M, Golser K, Kralinger F, Smekal (2000): Intra- und postoperative Komplikationen bei der arthroskopischen Labrum- und Kapselrefixation mit dem Suretacimplantat; Arthroskopie 13: 232-236.
- Zimmermann R, Gabl M, Angermann P, Lutz M, Reinhart C, Kralinger F, Pechlaner S (2000): Spätfolgen nach Frakturen im distalen Unterarmdrittel im Wachstumsalter; Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 32: 242-249.
- Golser K, Wambacher M, Hausberger K, Krallinger F, Wischatta R, Kinigadner M, Sperner G (1998): Arthroscopic extra-articular Bankart procedure; Orthopäde 27(8): 532-41.
- Arora R, Roth T, Kralinger F, Blauth M (2008): A representative case of osteoporotic distal radius fracture. J Orthop Trauma 22(8 Suppl): S116-20.
- Gschwentner M, Gruber G, Oberladstätter J, Kralinger F, Rieger M (2007): Mediastinal widening after blunt chest trauma in a child: a very rare case of thymic bleeding in a child and possible differential diagnosis; J Trauma 63(2): E51-4.
- Huber B, Reichenkendler M, Gschwentner M, Kralinger F (2006): Bifocal disruption of the knee extensor apparatus ("floating patella") in a 13-year-old patient; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 126(4): 275-8.
- Kralinger F, Lutz M, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Golser K (2003): Arthroscopically assisted reconstruction and percutaneous screw fixation of a Pilon tibial fracture; Arthroscopy 19(5): E45.
- Hengg C, Euler S, Wambacher M, Blauth M, Kralinger F. Regarding "The rotation of the humeral head does not alter radiographic evaluation of the head-shaft angle". J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Nov;25(11):e365-e366
- Kralinger F, Gschwendner M, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Haid C (2008): Reply letter to the editor regarding the biomechanical evaluation of semirigid implants; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 128: 887.
- Kralinger F, Aigner F, Longato S, Rieger M, Wambacher M (2007): Authors’ Reply: The bare spot; Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery Vol. 23, Issue 4, Pages 449-450.
- Wischatta R, Kralinger F, Golser K (2003): Superior instability, Slap Läsion. In: Atlas of shoulder arthroscopy. Imhoff, Fu, Ticker. Martin Dunitz, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group pcl, pp. 181-186.
- Kralinger FS, Blauth M; 3.1 Proximal Humerus in Osteoporotic Fracture Care: Medical and Surgical Management. AOTRAUMA: Thieme Verlag, 01.09.2018
- Kralinger F, Sperner G (1999): Arthroskopische subacromiale Dekompression und laterale Clavicularesektion. In: Schulterinstabilität - Rotatorenmanschette, Andreas B. Imhoff, Uwe König (Hrsg.) Darmstadt: Steinkopf, pp. 172-179.
PD Dr. Franz Kralinger FA für Unfallchirurgie und Sporttraumatologie
Ordinationszentrum an der Wiener Privatklinik, Lazarettgasse 25 / 1. Stock, 1090 Wien
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